This one I dont think has a purpose but all of those things are mine.
Closing This Blog
8 years ago
I love God, I love missions, I love kids, I love my family and I love my friends.
Ok this duck was really loud and annoying. Then he started to act what i thought was really strange so I had to get a video of him going nuts.
The tye-dye goat A sheep shaved a one not shaved
A sheep with a mohak
I love this ones coat thing
The cute sheep
The one in the checkered we named madona
Ashley wanted so bad to kiss a cow and this is the best shot we got Sara, Ashley, and Lindsay all looking at the ducks
A chicken we called him coton ball
And more to come when I can get them onto my laptop.
The Wisemen
A Beautiful House on the main street
The toy store wrapped like a present