I was walking to the backporch (where students get quick food) after chapel and I saw my youth Pastor acting like such a kid. I thats when i realized that he really does act like a kid and it seems like its all of the time (accept when he is preaching and even then he sometimes acts like a kid). Thats Friday when we were heading to the church he told me that he was not feeling the greatest and that he had a really crappy week cause he got sick. Well the worst was over but he still felt really bad and I could tell that there was something wrong cause he wasnt quite himself. Well during the ride he was saying really mean things to the other drivers and about the other drivers and stuff that if he said it to their face they would either start crying or want to punch him for it and just by that I know he wasnt ok and totally not himself. Now I will say that he does say mean things and crack little jokes about other drivers that usually make me laugh but this was over the top I was laughing but not at what he was saying but at how he was acting and just how out of it he was. He told me right when I got in the car that because he was very sick he didnt have time to write a sermon so he said he was just going to wing-it cause he didnt know what to do. Well he started the sermon out telling the kids what he went through during the week and then started talking about Jonah. That sermon was one of the best ones he has ever done and you could tell that God was working through him and it was not on his own strength. He is just an amazing youth Pastor and I know and see God doing wonderful things through him. He has changed the youth group for the better in so many ways. I love him like a brother and love having the chance to work beside him as a youth leader. I would really hate to see him go if God at all calls him and his fiance away to another church. Here are some pictures of him.Him and his finace Charissa
He's a big Steelers fan
Big crazy at Fine Arts