My friend Josh is out of the hospital and back home but he is very tired do to the meds they gave him. But I am glad that he is out and back home. He is off work this week and may be going back next week but is not sure yet. Just pray that he gets back to life quick cause it is bothering him big time that he doesnt feel like he can do anything.
I have a simple prayer request. My friend Josh went into the hospital on Thursday because he was having really bad stomach pains. They found a blockage and are helping him get it all out. He had a tube that went down his throat that removed 4 buckets full of stuff that he had in him and today finally removed the tube and are waiting to see if things go back to normal. I went to visit with him today in the hospital and he looked fine just tired and a little malnourished cause he hadn't eaten since Tuesday. Just pray that he recovers quickly and gets out of there soon. He just went in to get help with the pain cause he couldn't get rid of the pain fast enough. The pure dude is bored sitting in the hospital with no one there with him and cant wait to get out and back to life. Just pray that he can get out with no problems and that everything is fine.
This school year is over and i cant believe it, I feel like it just started. It has been a trying year but God has kept me strong and helping me move on and to keep moving even when i wanted to pack up and leave. I am glad that it is over and cant wait until next year to start. It is weird that i am going to have a summer of work and really not get a break from life. I will have maybe a week or two to relax and get situate back home but not to long. Thank you all for the prayers and support.