Last night we had a Missions Banquet at my church and everyone had to bring a dish that was from a different country. There were some crazy stuff there and I tried to try everything but that was impossible. Most of the stuff I tried I liked but not everything. Here are the pictures I took while I was there.

Here is my Pastor and his wife with Ellen and Joseph (the speakers and missionaries to the Dominican Republic).

Here's Robyn.

Here's my friend Jen.

I loved the deserts.

Two family's that came decorated their own table to go with their country.

The missionaries brought some stuff from the Dominican Republic. Here's a blow fish.

Here's a spider(I have my hand there to show you the size of it.)

Here's a beetle.

Caleb and Ashleigh playing before its time to eat.
An over view of the people and the setup.

Crayfish and I had to eat one.

Here is the young kids of the youth group and Josh.
I didn't know you had a blog! Iv'e got ya bookmarked. Thanks for the socks! They are darling! Tell everyone we say hello.
robyn has that evil look in her those scworpians look cool tho.
Did you have that in your sanctuary? I can't imagine living in a country with bugs the size of those! But I may be visiting one in December.
u must be 1 hungery girl your eating in half your pix.
Dan she always does. j/k
A. Debbie that is in our santuary.
Aaron is there a problem with being a hungry girl.
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