This weekend my youth group went to Winter Retreat and it was great. Robert Madu was the speaker and he was amazing. There was not one service that I did not feel moved or touched. He kept my attention and made everything easy to understand and easy to enjoy. My youth group brought 16 people, that was the biggest we have ever taken to Winter Retreat. Of course there was no snow, so we couldn't do any winter things. It was a great time to get to know everyone better and have fun. On Friday Robert spoke about Temptations and how we can resist falling into temptations. It was a great service to start out with. We went to the snack bar after the service and hung out there until curfew. When all the girls were ready for bed we had a little meeting and then fell asleep. On Saturday we had a morning service and Robert talked about having God's DNA in us. Then it was lunch and free time. For free time they had a bunch of sports you could play. My youth group played volleyball and wanted to win, but came in second place. It was fun playing volleyball, but we had way to many people on our team. After volleyball we had supper then went back to the room and hung out until it was time for the next service. In this service Robert talked about being spiritually thirsty. It was another really good and moving service. After the service we went to the snack bar and talked some more, then we went watched Ratatouille. I stayed until the seats got uncomfortable so I went back to the room and tried to get some sleep. On Sunday we packed our bags and put them in the church van, and went to the last and final service. Robert talked about our gifts and that we should use them for God and not for ourselves. Then we ate, took a group picture and headed home. It was fun and I hate to think that I won't be able to go next year but I enjoyed while I could.Robyn and the girls playing cards.

Ashley, Robyn, Lindsay, Kiersten talking at the snack bar.

Justin, Pastor Eric, Erik at the snack bar.

Kiersten, Me, Niccole at the snack bar.

Me and Rachel. Rachel came Saturday with Gettysburg
Masters Commission to minister to all the teens.

Lindsay, Rachel, Ashley having fun.

Rachel and Erik waiting for our next volleyball game.

Aaron showing me his Michigan shirt.

Kiersten, Robyn, Ashley.

The boys watching the other teams play volleyball.

Girls watching the other teams play volleyball.

Lindsay and Robyn.

We were able to fit four girls in front of one mirror.

Some of the girls eating lunch.

The boys eating lunch.
Ashley and Lindsay showing you how much they can fit in their mouth.
Destiny, Aaron, Debbie swinging on the swings. 
Here's all 16 of us.
Now a funny one.