My Youth Group had an all-nighter for the new year. It was a blast but I can tell I am getting a little to old for them. In order to have an all-nighter we have to tear the sanctuary and set up the volleyball net and the basketball hoop. After the new year rang in we played volleyball, basketball and lots of board games. The girls love to play foosketball (its football and basketball put together). I don't play it because many of the girls come out of the game with cuts, bruises and torn shirts. While the girls played that the guys played Mario Cart. Around 5:30 we took down the volleyball net and basketball hoop and set the chairs back up. Then we ate breakfast and waited for the parents to show up. It was fun and very tiring but I enjoyed every minute of it. Here are some of the pictures I took.
Here are a few people playing a Clue.

Singing with the karaoke machine.

Here are the girls playing foosketball.
More foosketball.
A few guys playing Mario.



More people playing Mario.

looks like you had a great time-hard to believe it has been a week since the wedding-with new years stuck in there. Now we are in Alabama till the seventh of Jan. May this new year be your most blessed yet!-A.Vicki
Hey! I'm back!
It looks like you all had a great time! I understand about being too old, Ashley!
Hey, Love the pics, the one of Annie and Caleb was just sooooooo adorable. I miss everyone already, can't believe it is all over and they are hitched! I too understand about being old! LOL:) Can't wait to see everyone again in July for Dave and Carissa's wedding!
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