Reading is not one of the things I like to do. But when I do find a good and interreseting book I am very happy and do nothing but read it. I usually like to read fictional books about the Civil War and Ann Rinaldi writes just that. I picked up one of her book "Girl in Blue" about two years ago and I loved it, so when I found more of her books I read them and loved them as well. I am right now reading her book "Sarah's Ground" and it is really good. I keep it in my purse so I usually only read it when I am board or exercising.
I am also reading a book called "the journals of Rachel Scott". It is really good and it is a real eye opener for me. The one thing is its not really written by Rachel Scott but by Debra Klingsporn. The back ground of why and how this book is written is explained in the first few pages. What I think is cool about the book is that Debra has actual pages from Rachel's diarys in the book so you can read her thoughts and see what she was feeling. I wanted to read this book along time ago but I never really did and I am glad I didn't because I would have not fully understand what she was talking about. I would recomend this book to any girl (or lady) that can read. The reason I say girl is because its about a girl's life and her struggles. So maybe a guy would not understand everything shes talking about or it won't be as effective to him as it would be to a girl. But if a guy wants to read it then more power to him. I have a picture of the cover below.