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The Month of Love
My youth group this month is doing a study on love. We are going to learn about the three types of love and how they are totally different from the worlds view of love. Last night was the kick off, we watched the Nooma video "Flame" and Pastor Eric went into further depth about love. I thought it was great and a good way to get started. For the next three weeks we are going to split the girls and guys and have seperate meetings. I hope this study will open my eyes and the eyes of all the other students at how wrong the world is on love. It is going to be interesting and I hope fun.I used to always hate this month because of Valentines day. I always felt so lonely and I wanted a guy to love me and hold me, but hopefully this year will be different. I pray that I don't get caught up in the world's view and feel like I have to have a guy at my side all the time. Hopefully I realise that God is the only guy I need and the only one I need to feel loved. I will try to post after every service to let you all know how the study is going.
Sounds interesting & relavent! Please do let us know how it goes.
Wow, either I'm feeling really sympathetic/sentimental or just explanitory. Either way you'll get the same thing from me.
I know what you mean by wanting to have someone to love and hold you and all that sort of thing. I have Mike of course but he's in Scotland for 98% of the year. There's just something lacking, and it's the physical touch. Obviously not extending as far as sex. I can hardly believe I'm writing it down because more often than not if he tries to put his arm around my waist I'll squirm. Quite frankly I think it's uncomfortable most of the time, but when I DO get into a cuddly mood it's the best thing since sliced bread.
But even if I only get to have that extra bit to the relationship two weeks out of the year, still the rest of the time we can at least talk. It's like the first kind of love the Nooma guy talked about, 'riyah' or whatever it was. Friendship. Probably the second one too, the commitment part.
I'm getting rambly now so here goes the simple bit. I know what it feels like to have that specific something missing, but you'll be smarter than me and pick someone that's from around here, or at least the United States. ;) You'll have someone eventually.
My mom told me this once and I think it's the most increadible word of truth that ever came out of her mouth. 'God never wastes pain', she said. Maybe making you wait, if impatiently, will add that extra bit of commitment with your future husband, whoever he may be, if times get rough when you're married. It might come a long way down the road, but you'll get there eventually. While you're waiting for a boyfriend, I'm waiting to get done with school and marry Mike. I'm just one step ahead of you chicka. :)
And you have inspired me to start my own blog. I doubt it'll last more than a couple of weeks.
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