Since Sunday was Pastor Eric's last Sunday with us, we decided to do a prank on his new car. So my mom bought lots of posted notes for us to put on his car. we put all of the posted notes on his car during worship, then went in to hear him preach. Near the end of the service we went back out to check on it and clean up what wind blow off. While we were out there my one friend, who told me she did not want to help us with the prank or be park of it, told and showed Pastor Eric what we did and ruined the whole thing. Even though the whole prank was ruined we still had fun putting them on his car.It took 18 packs to cover the whole car.

We didn't do the windows because we ran out of posted notes.

This was the hot side of the car cause the sun was right on it.

We covered the driver side window with the final few posted notes.
*blinks* Who was the friend that ruined it? Anyway, I heard that his sermon was really good. Wish I'd ever actually gotten to hear him preach... But eh. Youth group isn't appealing and he didn't do anything for sunday school. :/
Why would you want to clean it off??? Thats part of it! You make THEM clean it off!!!
Yeah he was suposed to clean it off but everyone helped him. Or at least everyone but me.
wow thats funny.
I think that looks neat! I'm glad you got pictures.
why would you do that
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