I love making these, thier called "accordion photo album's." Its pretty easy to make one, all you need is; 3 pieces of oattag paper, 10-12 picture, glue, string or ribbon, scrap paper, an empty cereal box. I have pictures of the two I have done.Heres the intructions hope they will be clear enough for to understand.
1. take your 3 oattag and make them into squares.(fold the one corner up then cut the extra. shown on side)
2. Next fold the 3 squares in half making a rectangle all fold need to be folding in. then unfold and do it again to make little squares. Then unfold it to make a triangle. Shown on side.

3. After you have fold the 3 papers you are going to glue them together. you want to glue the squares not the triangles. and you want the traingle folds to be oposite of the one next to it. it should almost look like mountains and valleys. shown on side.
4. Okay now for the cover. take your cereal box and cut two squares the same size as the squares in the paper. then glue those to each of the ends. this is going to make it stiff. next cut your scrap paper to cover the cereal box, and cut 2 ft. of string or ribbon and glue it to the bottom so you can tie it shut, then cover it with the paper.
5. Now you can put your pictures on any way you want. If you put them on the fold you have to cut into two triangles so you can still fold it.
You can look at the ones I made to get some help and maybe you can understand the instrustions.
Here is the one I made of Sarah's Wedding.

Here's the top. You can see how I had to cut the two pictures in half because of the fold.
The middle one.
The bottom one.
The back (sorry its upside-down)