The second story happened that same night and just to warn you its a good one. My coach was staying @ a lake because nationals was @ the same time as her anniversary. She invited all of us to a picnic @ a park then head to her house and swim in the pool. Well the picnic went great so after everyone ate we headed to her house to change and swim. Well she checked with her renter to make sure it was okay for all of us to come and swim. We had a great time until one guy came in and ask my coach who all the people are. Well she told him and said she got permission for us to swim. So he left, then not two minutes later the guy came back in with another lady and she asked who was staying here and told us who weren't to get out and leave or she would call the police. Well we were just so shocked that we didn't move @ first but then she said "9, 1, I'm one number away from calling the police". So we all got out and grabbed our stuff, then one of the other ladies in the pool started to yell @ her and say "they did nothing wrong," "why are you making them leave," and "they are just a christian group having some fun." We were happy to have someone defend us but then she started to swear @ the lady. While we went back my coach and Pastor stayed and tried to figure out the problem. We are all laughing @ it and always tell the story to everyone who asks how the trip went. Well here are some pictures to show you how much fun we had.
The three girls in the back of the van taking crazy pics.

The two girls who sat in my row.

Sitting around after performing.

KJ-52 on the big screen.

Robyn and the girls rocking out to KJ.
Swimming @ our Hotel Pool.

Hey, its great to see you posting again! I had given up you, lol.Thanks for the pictures, they are great! I'm sorry you didn't get further honors but I'm glad you have a good attitude about it. How did Brianna's group do?
Well congrats on making it to nationals, and glad that you had a good time with everyone.
yeah fine arts pictures! I dont know if brianna got any or not. It looks like you guys had a great time. Was the dock at the resort that you got kicked out of? Looks like it was a pretty area. The pool looks cool (literally) also. A. Vicki
Yes that dock was on the same lake area but it didn't belong to them.
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