Okay so I had to pack up my whole entire life on Friday, August 29, and get ready to move to my new home. It was really strange but I tried my best to make sure I took what I needed and nothing extra. It took me all day to pack and when my dad got home he was ready to high-tale-it. Well after I tried to grab everything, we finally loaded the car full and headed to Pheonixville. Well we checked into our hotel, then grabbed something to eat. I really was not that hungry because of the quizy feeling that was in my stomach. Then we went back to our room and hung out for the rest of the time. It was nice just to have my parents there it felt weird but it didn't matter.
Now Saturday was the big day. Well I woke up ate some food (even though I couldn't eat much), mad sure I had everything that I needed, and loaded back up and headed to the college. When we pulled into the parking lot my phone rang and it was my Youth Pastor checking up on me. He said to come and find him once I was registered. So we walked over to the registation and got me all ready. I had my mail key and my room key and all the wonderful papers that told what was going on. Then we went to find my youth pastor @ the bookstore. He helped me get my books (and waste my money on them;), then he said to call him when I was ready to move in and he would help. So we went back to the car and then went to find my room. My roommate was not there yet which was nice cause then I didn't have to worry about running into each other while unpacking.
Unpacking was hard cause I noticed how unorganized I can be. The first and main thing I wanted to do first was make the bed then get everything else unpacked. So I claimed the lower bunk and started to put my stuff on it. Then my dad helped me by hanging all of my clothes and putting things were I told him too. Then when I was almost done my roommate appeared. It was really nice to meet her for the first time, we talk to on facebook but that was it. After I finished we went to lunch so Casey (my roommate) could unpack all of her stuff. While @ lunch we decided what I still needed and the things I didn't. So we went shopping for the few things I didn't have and the few things I really wanted. So we went back to the room and moved everything back and had to shift things around so Casey and I would get things to work.
Then it was time for the first service of the night. After the little service all of us new students went outside and joined our start teams. In start teams we played icebreaker games and did a lot of fun games. Then it came time to have the final service and say good-bye to the parents. At the service they had the students pray over their parents. It was really cool but really hard cause I knew that soon i would be saying good-bye. So after the service we walked to my dorm and said good-bye right out side the doors. Then I cried really hard and for forever. It was really hard for me to sleep that night because i knew i was now on my own and in college.
I can't really remember the next day (which would be sunday) but in know it was full of fun and crazy start team activates. I do remember that we went to a professors house to met him and talk to him.
On tuesday classes started and the real college life began. Classes were fun and I really started to realize that I was no longer homeschooled but in college and on my way to a better life serving God.
I have a few pics of the few days of my college life. I have tried my best to put them in order but its not really working. Okay the two group pictures are of my start team. And then there's the picture of the beautiful sky outside of my window. Then the four pictures of my room my desk, my closet, my bed (I have the bottom bunk), the bathroom. Next are random pictures of me and friends.

Hurray!!!! You finally posted on this blog! I do know you are very busy, & things at college come first, but it's nice to hear the stories & see corresponding pix. I should be able to keep in touch now that I have Facebook (that is once you are done fasting it!).
Sooooo exciting!!! Can't wait to hear more.
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