This past Saturday Caleb and Joshua had their 2nd JBQ Match and they did a lot better than the last match. Caleb had 540 points with 4 quiz-outs, and Josh got 120 points. The team came in 9th last match but this time came in 8th. Way to move up guys. Here are a few pictures of the day.
Me and Caleb walking to the car. It is a really bad picture but I kinda like it. When I took the picture I held the camera upside-down, so that's why it looks a little bad.
Me and Josh. It looks like I am trying to kill him but this was the only way to get a picture with this guy.

Here's the team. Starting in the front its Caleb, Mike, Josh, then Coach Ruth, Assistant Frank, and the last team member Ashleigh. And then of course theirs my dad in the back being his normal self, picking on one of the kids.Here is the top 9 (the one kid had to leave so she couldn't be up there).
Caleb got 7th place in individual scores. When they were mentioning the top kids Caleb became really antsy and wanted to run up there because he knew he was in the top but didn't know where. We are so proud of him for getting in the top 10.
They are so cute!
yeah I know.
Way to go guys!
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