This weekend was Breakaway and it was my third one and also my last, Robyn and Kierstin (a friend from youth group) also came with me. Greg Hubbard was the wonderful speaker, he was really good and spoke right to the heart. When we got to VFCC we registered, then we hooked up with Pastor Eric and went to supper. After supper we went to put our stuff in our rooms. Then it was time for the service. After service they had hot wings and pizza, which were good. Then we went back to the rooms to make sure things were okay and we were settled down. After that we went to the "Chosen" and "Pnuema" concert and when we got bored with that we went to see the dodge ball tournament. I got to see Dan's team play and I was so cheering them on to win, but they came in second. Good try guys I thought for sure you were going to win. I was hoping to at least talk to Dan after the tournament but he left before I could catch him. When we got back to the rooms we were moved around a little but we were luck to be able to stay in the same room. Before we went to bed we talked and watched the movie "Signs." In the morning we went to breakfast and then to chapel. After chapel we went to our first class "Music Theory". That class was okay but I will admit I was completely lost. Then it was off meet Pastor Eric and get lunch which was really good. After lunch we went to our next and last class "Spiritual Gifts." Now that class was really good. Then we went back to our room and grab our stuff to leave. I really enjoyed breakaway this year because I was not the only girl from the group and I got to meet a few people I will see there next year. Here are some of the pictures I got.Kierstin eating her Hot wings.

Robyn giving me her normal look.

Kierstin and Robyn hanging out in the room.

This is the room we stayed in.

Robyn, Kierstin, and I when we got back to the church.
Acting cool.
Me, Robyn, Kierstin and Pastor Eric.

Hopefully you guys will be able to connect up the next time. Lots happened before they left, hopefully Dan will blog it all.
wow your rooms are like twice the size of the one i stayed in. it was fun though.
LOL I thought the door to the room you guys stayed in looked like it lead to a bathroom or something. You know, the sort of shiney but matte paint they use on the stalls of public ones?
Looks liek you had a good time. I used to love Breakaway.
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