There is only one word I can think can describe Youth Convention this year "WOW". It start for us around 5:00 on Thursday with everyone meeting at the church and then heading over to the Giant Center. We found our seats then had a few minutes before the service began. The Micheal Gungor Band led worship and speaker Pat Schatzline was the speaker. I really think he has ADHD or something like that. He was always getting off track and telling funny stories about his life. He spoke about Joseph being thrown in a pit and how we are in a pit. Once the service was over we headed back to church and then back home. The next morning we all had to be at the church by 7:30 so we could leave at 7:45. Right before the service began I talk to Bill Chanco (the Director of Admissions at VFCC) and he helped me understand a little more about the Fine Arts scholarship process. Now I always love the Friday morning service because of the candles. They started the service with communion, then lit the candles. I have a few pictures and a short video of the candle service down below. After everyone blow out their candles Phil Baker (the youth specialist at VFCC) spoke to us. He had every Junior stand and told them that they could win $1,000 to Valley Forge. Then he had all the Seniors stand and he said that every senior every senior that was at Youth Convention would get $1,000 scholarship to Valley Forge. After he said all that they had a 10 minute break, so I went out to the VFCC to sign up for the $1,000. After the break, Pat spoke about Joseph being in prison and the in between parts of our life, where it is all about the choices we make. Then it was time to eat, so we loaded up and headed to Jumbo Buffet. After lunch we went to the mall for three hours. The high school girls went to Macy's and tried on prom dresses. Then we left the mall and headed back to the Giant Center for the Fine Arts results. I wrote the results in the District Fine Arts post. then Pat talked about picking up Josephs bones and living on the legacy. Now that service was powerful and I felt God like I never did before. After half of the people left, we headed out and went back to the church for our all-nighter. At the all-nighter we played volleyball and basketball, then Niccole and I watch a few movies. I fell asleep during the movies and woke up in just enough time to get started on breakfast and cleaning. I had a great time and can't believe it will be my last.
Candle Service.

Eating at a Jumbo Buffet.
Me, Jen, Niccole trying on dresses at the mall.
Everyone waiting for all the other groups to leave so there won't be a crowd. Here's the video I got of the Candle Service.
Oh wow, my hair looks AWESOME in the third picture. o_o;;;
I was hoping you got the candle light service. That was always my favorite part too! I'm glad that you liked Pat. I was hoping he was still moved by God. I saw that he was a guest speaker at Brownsville A/G in Pensicola, FL. It's sounds like you guys had a full week.
Looked awesome.
yo i think ya need to update. just a thought. lol.
and they never posted our pictures on the Valley Forge website. they skipped right to their spring play.=(
i love Pat Schatzline!! He is a good Alabama boy. It is great to see that he is still being used by the holy spirit to move young people to deeper commitment with God. We saw him about 10 years ago in Mississippi. My kids loved him and couldnt stop talking about him. - a vicki
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