Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I've been tagged

Ok I was tagged by my cousin Jordan @ and by my aunt Debbie @ You are supposed to find your sixth photo folder and pull and post the sixth photo inside. Since I was tagged twice I decided to do my sixth album of last year and this year. The first photo is of my friend Courtney getting her hair for the schools harvest fest. The second one is a pic Robyn took when she went o the beach in October and it just happened to be in that album.

I tag Sarah, Dan, Aaron, and Robyn.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Part 2 for everyone

Ok for the second part of that night after my RA told us that a truck hit the sign we went out to se it but they wouldn’t let us. But those that did see it took pictures and put those pics on facebook. When he fire truck came into the school he was going to fast and hit the sign and knocked off the first four letters so the sign said EY FORGE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, so the truck knocked off “vall.” Well Amanda stayed in my room that night and then over the weekend just for safety. But now everything is fine and back to normal.

This is after the truck hit.

what a guy a the school did for a joke

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thursday Night

Ok here is the video I promised. I hope you enjoy it. I am sorry if the audio is off or the quality aint good. If there is any questions comment with them and I will post another answering them.