Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We went to see the fireworks @ a local park and had fun waiting for them to start. Some church friends had a picnic after church so 10 minutes before the fireworks began they all walked down and joined us for the fireworks. After it was over they walked back and we passed them on our way out. And actually we were at the same pace as them because of the traffic. I have some pictures of the kids playing and of the fireworks.
Joshie and I
Joshie sitting and waiting
Caleb and Joshie running for the frizbee
Angela playing
more frizbee time
and more frizbee time.
We were there an hour before they were to go off.

Caleb and me drinking our slushies.
I love this Boy
I love this picture of angela

Caleb didnt like the loud fireworks.
neither did angela
Joshie was fine and had fun