Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Theres a mouse problem

Right now, in our house, we are having a big mouse problem. In the past week I have seen more mice run across a room, then I have ever seen in my life. Yesterday one came out from under the couch and kind of looked at us, then my dad through something at it and it ran back under the couch. No matter what we do or try we just can't get rid of them. My mom says that we need to get a cat in order to get rid of the mice. My dad is the only one who does not like the idea, so we are stuck with the mice. To keep the mice out of our food we have to wrap everything twice. Its a pain but at least they don't get to the food.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Birthday Lunch

Today is my birthday. I am 18 everyone. So for my birthday, my family and a few of my friends went to Crossroads. The food was great. I enjoyed laughing with my friends and talking. I have a few pictures of the get together.

Robyn and Josh Mike and Pastor Eric

Caleb after he had a lemon.

Angela, Kelly, and Jen

Niccole, Ashley and Lindsay

Me with Caleb. A tender moment.

Friday, February 22, 2008

No Youth Because of Weather

I HATE WHEN THERE IS NO YOUTH. I love youth and its my time to get away from the house, hang with freinds, and learn more about God. And I do love the snow and weather but I don't love it when it cancels things that I want to go to. Tonight was going to be our last night at seperate homes and I wanted to see what we were going to talk about and how the girls were going to take it.

Here are a few pictures of our snow:
The walk way and drive way.

The bunny cages and the play set.

The porch.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Reading Books

Reading is not one of the things I like to do. But when I do find a good and interreseting book I am very happy and do nothing but read it. I usually like to read fictional books about the Civil War and Ann Rinaldi writes just that. I picked up one of her book "Girl in Blue" about two years ago and I loved it, so when I found more of her books I read them and loved them as well. I am right now reading her book "Sarah's Ground" and it is really good. I keep it in my purse so I usually only read it when I am board or exercising.

I am also reading a book called "the journals of Rachel Scott". It is really good and it is a real eye opener for me. The one thing is its not really written by Rachel Scott but by Debra Klingsporn. The back ground of why and how this book is written is explained in the first few pages. What I think is cool about the book is that Debra has actual pages from Rachel's diarys in the book so you can read her thoughts and see what she was feeling. I wanted to read this book along time ago but I never really did and I am glad I didn't because I would have not fully understand what she was talking about. I would recomend this book to any girl (or lady) that can read. The reason I say girl is because its about a girl's life and her struggles. So maybe a guy would not understand everything shes talking about or it won't be as effective to him as it would be to a girl. But if a guy wants to read it then more power to him. I have a picture of the cover below.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sectional Fine Arts Festival

Yesterday was a long Fine Arts Festival. When we got there we had a little trouble with my stuff. I was not on the list for Digital Photograhy and I was also not on the list for Children Lesson Solo. So we talked to a few of the people and they got me back on the list and I was set. The first thing sceduled was my Solo Human Video, I thought it went okay. The one judge of the human video was the lady who helped me get started in human videos. Then we had a 2 hour break until the next three things were to go on before lunch. So I took the large drama group and we practiced a few times. Then sat in the drama room and watched the dramas until it was our turn. I felt okay about the drama but I didn't think we were going to go on. Everyone in the drama did great but they still could have added more emotion. Right after the drama was done I had to run to the next room to do my Childrens Lesson. Now that did not go as well as I hoped or planned. I forgot a few of the main points I needed and I was really nervous. What was funny is that I knew one of the judges from another church. Right before I did the childrens lesson my one friend had her female vocal solo so wasn't able to be there to support her. After that we went and ate our lunch and then hung out for about an hour until the large human video was supposed to perform. During the break I went to see the Art room (were my photo was) to see some of the other photos and drawings. When I got to mine I saw a note in front of it saying they didn't have something they needed, I didn't know what they meant by that so I went to Pastor Eric and asked him what to do. He said we should find the head man and ask him what to do. So after the large human video performed Pastor Eric and I went to the stat room to see if he was there. He wasn't but one of the other helpers were there so we told her what I saw and see said she would get someone on it. The large human video went very well and I felt great about it. When we finished other people were coming up to us and telling us how much they loved it and enjoyed it. A couple of the moms from our group told us we made them cry. Pastor Eric said that we made his mom cry also. I was not that happy with the day and how it went but I am over it now and I am ready to get things set for Districts, which is in the middle of March. The list of the rackings are down a little. I have my digital photo on the side of my blog with another picture.

Here are the rankings.
Superior w/ invitations means you move on to the District level.

What I was in:
Solo Human Video - Superior w/ invitation
Large Drama Group - Superior
Children's Lesson Solo - Superior
Large Human Video - Superior w/ invitation
Digital Photography - Superior

Robyns Short Story - Superior
a girls Poem - Superior w/ invitation
a girls Female Vocal - Superior w/ invitation

Second Week Apart

This friday we played Party Host (from How's Line Is I Anyway). Then loaded up and head to the seperate homes. Us girls talked about how dangerous our thoughts and our day dreaming can be to our future relationships. All the girls talked more during this subject and asked more questions. I liked this subject more and I thought all the other girls took it better than the last one. After we finished talking we had a little snack then loaded up and headed back to the church. I can't wait until next week. I have a couple of pictures of some of the girls. They're not the best but they are what I could get.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!!!

Happy Valentines Day Everyone. I hope your day was full of love.

Friday, February 8, 2008

First week seperated

Today was the first week the youth group met in seperate homes. We first met at the church and had a little worship service then loaded up in cars and vans and went the seperate homes. Us girls talked about self-esteem and self-worth and how God's love for you does not change no matter how you feel and what you do. It was a good first descussion and I thought it was really fun. Afterwards we sang to Robyn (because it is her birthday today) and had some cake. Then we had to get going so parents aren't waiting to long for their children. I can't wait until the next decussion.

Alzheimers' eye test


Read this.


Now count every "F" in the text:


you'll have to highlight the next few sentences to see what the number is.
WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.
Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's before you scroll down.

The reasoning behind is further down.
The brain cannot process "OF".
Incredible or what? Go back and look again!!
Anyone who counts all 6 "F's" on the first go is a genius.
Three is normal, four is quite rare.

More Brain Stuff . . From Cambridge University.�

Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,

it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Month of Love

My youth group this month is doing a study on love. We are going to learn about the three types of love and how they are totally different from the worlds view of love. Last night was the kick off, we watched the Nooma video "Flame" and Pastor Eric went into further depth about love. I thought it was great and a good way to get started. For the next three weeks we are going to split the girls and guys and have seperate meetings. I hope this study will open my eyes and the eyes of all the other students at how wrong the world is on love. It is going to be interesting and I hope fun.

I used to always hate this month because of Valentines day. I always felt so lonely and I wanted a guy to love me and hold me, but hopefully this year will be different. I pray that I don't get caught up in the world's view and feel like I have to have a guy at my side all the time. Hopefully I realise that God is the only guy I need and the only one I need to feel loved. I will try to post after every service to let you all know how the study is going.