Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sectional Fine Arts Festival

Yesterday was a long Fine Arts Festival. When we got there we had a little trouble with my stuff. I was not on the list for Digital Photograhy and I was also not on the list for Children Lesson Solo. So we talked to a few of the people and they got me back on the list and I was set. The first thing sceduled was my Solo Human Video, I thought it went okay. The one judge of the human video was the lady who helped me get started in human videos. Then we had a 2 hour break until the next three things were to go on before lunch. So I took the large drama group and we practiced a few times. Then sat in the drama room and watched the dramas until it was our turn. I felt okay about the drama but I didn't think we were going to go on. Everyone in the drama did great but they still could have added more emotion. Right after the drama was done I had to run to the next room to do my Childrens Lesson. Now that did not go as well as I hoped or planned. I forgot a few of the main points I needed and I was really nervous. What was funny is that I knew one of the judges from another church. Right before I did the childrens lesson my one friend had her female vocal solo so wasn't able to be there to support her. After that we went and ate our lunch and then hung out for about an hour until the large human video was supposed to perform. During the break I went to see the Art room (were my photo was) to see some of the other photos and drawings. When I got to mine I saw a note in front of it saying they didn't have something they needed, I didn't know what they meant by that so I went to Pastor Eric and asked him what to do. He said we should find the head man and ask him what to do. So after the large human video performed Pastor Eric and I went to the stat room to see if he was there. He wasn't but one of the other helpers were there so we told her what I saw and see said she would get someone on it. The large human video went very well and I felt great about it. When we finished other people were coming up to us and telling us how much they loved it and enjoyed it. A couple of the moms from our group told us we made them cry. Pastor Eric said that we made his mom cry also. I was not that happy with the day and how it went but I am over it now and I am ready to get things set for Districts, which is in the middle of March. The list of the rackings are down a little. I have my digital photo on the side of my blog with another picture.

Here are the rankings.
Superior w/ invitations means you move on to the District level.

What I was in:
Solo Human Video - Superior w/ invitation
Large Drama Group - Superior
Children's Lesson Solo - Superior
Large Human Video - Superior w/ invitation
Digital Photography - Superior

Robyns Short Story - Superior
a girls Poem - Superior w/ invitation
a girls Female Vocal - Superior w/ invitation


kreggy#5 said...

Wow sounds like you guys did pretty good. i wanted to try out in drawing but i don't go to an AG church anymore.

Debbie said...

Try not to be discouraged with the ones that only got superior, just concentrate on those that are going on. That photo looked cool!

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Congrats! We never had sectionals... we started at district.

Anonymous said...

I love that photo-what a great idea!!!-remember it is God that elevates, so God has you where He wants you to be. So take heart that the photo and the other competitive entries ministered as they were suppose to and to who they were suppose to. congrats!!A.vicki