Monday, June 23, 2008

A Chance for God to Move

At my work I am one of the few Christians. As far as I can tell there maybe two or three others. I just pray that God moves through me to reach out to the others. I am one of the quiet ones so if I don't use words then I hope they see God in my actions. I always feel out-of-place when I talk about my church or Youth Group. There is one counselor that swears alot, and I have to sometimes catch myself from repeating a few words. What is nice is that one of the girls there is a christian and I feel very comfortable talking to her about anything and she is one of the sweetest girl I have ever met. I just ask that you all pray for me in reaching out to all the kids and counselors. One of theses days I will take my camera and get a few pictures to show you how cute and fun some of the kids are.


Debbie said...

We sure will, & we will pray that you have holy boldness at the appropriate times. See you soon!

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Def. praying. Are you guys coming to the wedding??

Nicky said...

yep we'll be there.