Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I can't believe it I'm completely done with school. I had a great graduation with my friends and family there on June 28. I have a few pictures of the event.

Here are my two cakes. They were great.

Here are my cousins Aaron, Andrew and my bros Joshua, Caleb.
Here is John, Sarah (who came from Egypt) , Grandma, Grandpa, Dan.
Me with my parents. All with dry eyes.

Here I am saying my pledge and motto trying to hold back the tears.Here is Chris reading a poem about a Christian Education.
Here I am trying to hold my hat on my head 'cause we couldn't figure out how to put it on.
Here I am looking @ my diploma.
Pastor praying for me and the food.

Me with Grandma and Grandpa.Now a family photo. (I am always in the middle.)
Me with my God-parents Tom and Eleanor.
Chris and me.
Jill (sectional rep.) , Chris (Jill's assistant), Me, and Sharon (the speaker and district coordinator).

Chris helping me get my hat on right. Finally with everything on.
Mamaw and Me.
Me with all of the awards I got in Missionettes.
I thank everyone who came and helped me get to this point in life. I had a great time and can't wait to take the next step into college life. ;)


Debbie said...

That is such a good picture of you with Mamaw! You need to send her 1. Those are really good, than you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

congrats to the grad!!!! I wish we could have been there :( The pictures are wonderful. Looks like an awesome ceremony.-a. vicki

amoetspes said...

Ashley, I knew from the time that you were a little bald baby with the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen, that you were going to grow into a beautiful woman, but I had no idea just how beautiful you would be!!! You are gorgeous. I love you!

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Sorry we couldn't be there. Congrats again! I hope you will be blogging about your college life.