Monday, August 31, 2009

To Early

Answer this question for me, if you can. WHY DO COLLEGE'S HAVE CLASSES BEFORE 9:00AM? I have a class at 7:55am and in order to get ready I have to get up no later than 7:00am. Unfortunately, I have to take my laptop and play small games on it to stay awake. I have a cup full of fresh coffee and eat a chewy bar to also help me stay awake. I tend to find myself in another world quite often. And when the professor notices that I am staring at the screen to long he will start to walk my way and I will look at him. I find it hard to stay awake and focus on the professor and the subject. I feel really bad when I start to drift and loose focus, I feel bad for my friends I sit with and the professor because I am not paying attention. The reason why I asked the question is really what am I getting out of a class that early when you know that I am not the only one who is not paying attention.

I am also finding it hard to do my homework and pretty much all of it is reading. I am not a strong reader ao that really doesnt help. I have tried to kick myself in the butt and get moving, but nothting happens. I ask that you pray that I getmoving and not fall behind.


Debbie said...

It's not "To Early", it's "Too Early". And it must have been when you wrote this, lol! I had a computer class in college that was real early & it was comfy cozy warm, so guess what? I dozed off quite a bit! I got a "D" in that class! My prof. would be so proud of me today! Lol!

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

You back blogging again?! Cool! I am so thankful I don't have to get up early and go to class. I always fell asleep.