Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner @ Church

After church this morning they had a thanksgiving meal for everyone who was there. During Pastors preaching Pastor Eric and I smelt the food and it was killing us. And luckily my table was the first table to get food. The food was as good as it smelled. When everyone was done eating Pastor named off some of the people how work in the church and then showed a slideshow of pictures of people working. I love when my church has fellowship.

Heres a few people at my table

Heres the other part


Debbie said...

Our church did the same, so I know what you mean. Our mouths were watering! But believe it or not the Holy Spirit really moved that day! Now there's a real reason to give thanks!

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Yuuum. Ours was yummy too.