Friday, November 30, 2007

Youth Group

Tonight at youth we played a game with a pair of socks(its almost like monkey in the middle). It was very interesting and fun. For the game everyone (but one player) has to sit in a circle and one person starts with the sock then you throw it to another person that is not next to you. While the sock is being thrown around the person who is not sitting in the circle has to either tag the person with the sock or catch the sock. If the person in the middle tags the person with the sock he/she is know in the middle or if the person in the middle catches the sock the last person to touch the sock is in the middle. It was fun to play because the sock would go over everyones head and everyone near the sock would try to get it.

In the sermon Pastor Eric talked about how the generations before us started giving Christianity a bad name and almost give up on trying to change the way people view Christians. And how our generation has to stand up and bring Christ back into the world before it is to late. He also said that if we don't do something soon the Muslims will take over the united states and band Christians from having a place to worship. He told us a story of what he did to the youth group he worked with during the summer and how he showed them what it may be like if we don't do something now. He told them that it was 2030 and that they burnt down the church and now they have to go somewhere else and worship there. They blind folded everyone (so that way there would be no traitor that might find out were they are hiding) and took them to the youth pastors basement which they made up to look like a run down basement. Then they had there little meeting and near the end they had some men dress up as soldiers and act like they belonged to the army of Muslim United States. They came down and asked everyone who was leading them and one of the teens told them that Pastor Eric was the leader and they went over to him, asked him who he was, pushed him down to the grown, then shot him in the head with a paint ball gun. I felt like I was there while he told the story. It really opened my eyes at how things may change in a few years if we don't stand up and really reach out to everyone.

I just felt like I had to share that with everyone who reads it and I pray God leads us all to change the world and turn peoples hearts to Him. I didn't think to take any pictures of the game but I promise to take pictures next time my youth group gets together. To let everyone know the weather is planning to snow on Sunday. I really want the snow but I also want to go to church on Sunday. So I pray it isn't to bad that we can still make it to church.


Debbie said...

I'm glad your youth pastor is trying to bring reality to the group. The thing is I don't think it'll be 2030, I think it could be in a few short years, closer to 2010. Church in America needs to wake up! We really have a spirit of slumber over us. God is sending missionaries to us now. We have become post modern, a post Christian country, & dying spiritually. P. Eric is so right!

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Our pastor just said the same thing on Sunday. Watch out or America may become a Muslim nation. There is something really wrong when a presidential candidate won't pledge to our flag... and no one has run him out of town yet. Scary scary times.