Sunday, April 20, 2008

All-Nighter & Bowling

On Friday we went bowling with the youth group. First we had a little service then we all loaded up and headed to the bowling alley. We had lots of fun at our table. We would try to brake out into a dance after every bowl. We also would try to do little pranks on each other, like grab their ball right in the middle of their swing or scream their name as they throw the ball, and a lot more. It was a blast and a whole lot of fun. Then when our time was up we went back to the church, had Sloppy Joe's, and played a few games. Around 3:30 we put in a video and most of the teens fell asleep. Then we the movie was over we started making breakfast and cleaning everything up. It was a blast and a great time to hang out with the youth. I didn't get alot of pictures but I did get a few.
Here's my table with Lindsay, Sara, Robyn, Ashley, and also Kierstin.
Here's one of the guys tables.
Here's one of the young girls tables.


kreggy#5 said...

i love all night bowling. my youth group had ours like in the beginning of march and it was real fun.

Jen said...

Bleeeeeh, whoever posted above me needs to get a grip. xD Just kidding!

Eh, bowling's not my thing, and neither are all-nighters. :/ It's awesome that you guys had fun, but I probably would've been slapping people playing pranks. xD

My mom laughs at the way I bowl. I walk up to the lane, throw the ball, then turn on my heel and walk back to the table without bothering to see where the ball goes. xD And it works. I get strikes on the occasion.