Sunday, April 20, 2008

New Billboard

We got a billboard for our church and it is right outside our doors. It took a long time but it is up and people are seeing it. It took a lot of pray and God strength to get it to work out. Our Pastor asked the owner how much it was and he said $800. Well that was to much so Pastor asked if he could bring it down, so he brought it down to $400. Well that was still to much so Pastor asked again if he could bring it down but the guy wouldn't. So Pastor prayed and then called him again and he said that we could have it for $100. What a blessing. So now we have the our sign up and everyone coming down Rt. 22 can see it. I have a picture below.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

That is so cool, Ashley! I've seen that on our old church's website. But for you guys to get it up on a billboard - that's God! Wow!